October 19, 2014

Things getting weirder

Haluuu no time no see aaa

Hehehe sebelum aku membebel bnyak2 moh ler kita go to the main point.


Percaya tak korang dengan karma? Aku tak percaya. Tapi, kejadian2 yang lalu telah buat aku berfikir and yes. Karma sedang berlaku pada diri ini. Sebab apa? Sebab diri ini terlalu jahat huhuhu. Tak pernah pikir perasaan mereka yakni kerana terlalu menyayangi seorang itu yang bernama kawan.

And, aku rasa benda tu berputar bila kawan tu pulak buat benda yang sama kat aku. And, eventually and unfortunately, orang nampak macam aku yang the bad one (BADASS). Haih.. things got really messy and complicated.

Lets have some fun!! (Bullshit)

Lets go there and there and there!! (Another bullshit)

Lets buy same t-shirts (or whatever) and wear it together!! (BULLSHIT)

I'm really angry and feel upset. With myself. Trying to share people the deep stuff but instead I'm the one who got blamed. Erk?
This is my weakness. Always thought everything that happened is my fault. Having no chance to explain to them. Not even single because I'm not so good in convincing people. At last, aku yang akan beralah and things settled. Huhu senangnya..

Pastu hati ni disakiti lagi.

Pastu baik.

Pastu sakit lagi.

Lama lama boleh tawar hati and tak rase pape kot.

Apa apa pun, lets enjoy the last sem! Weehooo! (bullshit..)

p/s: Bukan kau sorang je yang ada masalah..