March 26, 2014

Laka-Laka buat hal lagi

I feel sad.

Pernah dengar tak ini : Bila bertiga jangan lupakan yg ketiga tu.
Or, something like that.

Hari ni Sarah rasa sedih lagi. Sebab Laka-Laka buat hal lagi. Dia buat bodoh je. Entah kenapa. Mungkin sebab Sarah cakap Laka-Laka capati kot?

Laka-Laka memang capati sebab dia selalu mungkir janji bila berjanji. In all of sudden, she can change her mind, without telling others. Just like a capati (laparnye)

Laka-Laka juga buat bodoh akan kehadiran Sarah pada hari ini. Di mana setiap kali kehadiran Sarah, bilik pasti berubah menjadi bunyi 'Krik krik'. Malah, langsung tidak dilayan bila ditanya soalan. It's like this, Sarah's good intention is rewarded with Laka-Laka's shit.



Semua orang stres. Bukan kau sorang je yang stres.

March 01, 2014

Dear P

Sometimes I'm just annoyed with myself..

Because small things always bug me..
Small things, that related with you, P. (if you read this P, you know this is about you)

Small things, that mostly about what people talk behind (cakap belakang). Oh God, how I wish I have the gut to go and talk "Shut up, Bitch!", straight to their faces. Urghhhh I wish. Padahal takde pape pun. Citer lama.

Hmmm lagipun why talk behind when you can talk face-to-face right?

But never mind. Let me tell you something, P. If you are looking for a perfect person, there is none. I'm far from that perfect scale. And I'm not looking for a perfect person. But you are just good enough and perfect for me :)

I love you, P.

Bajet Prince of Tennis

p/s: Pengakuan Berani Mati (PBM) pertama. Kus semangattt!